Major Site Upgrade!

Monday February 24, 2025

I’ve been plugging away at a new backend for the site over the last few months and I’m happy to say it’s almost finished.

The beta version is currently live over at

It looks pretty similar at first glance but it’s running on a Golang backend that I wrote to track back-links. All content is dynamically delivered (SPA = no ugly page reloads) and the whole site can be traversed via 3D Graph.

Looking ahead

My plan is to replace this url with a professional/portfolio site and retain just the new blog over at my blog domain. I’ll do my best to redirect rss links to the new site so nobody’s feeds break. Currently the backend code is all spaghetti’d together with my site content. Once I get it cleaned up and ready to ship I’ll write full article over on the new blog.

Tags: technology , updates

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